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ScrubAir perilica za laboratorijske pipete

The ScrubAir Pipette Washer/Dryer saves 98% on water and takes 85% less time to use.

Compared to traditional siphoning washing, rinsing and oven drying, the ScrubAir consumes less water, time and money, requiring as little as 3 1/4 hours to wash, rinse and dry up to 60 pipettes, compared to 23 hours or more with the traditional method. Eco-friendly, the ScrubAir Standard Wash Cycle uses only 12.5 L of tap or pure water, compared to 600 L used with a siphoning method. Three cycle programs are factory-set but may be user-modified. Start time may be delayed up to 8 hours. The LCD display shows both the cycle segment and total time remaining.

  • Saves water, time and money
  • Automated, requires far less glassware handling than traditional methods
  • Fast and thorough cleaning with percolating action
  • Programmable cycle settings including delayed start


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